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RAO, Hayagreeva

Embeddedness, social identity and mobility : why firms leave the NASDAQ and Join the New York Stock exchange - Ithaca : Johnson Graduate School of Management, June 2000

Organizations derive their social identity from membership in formal groups and strive to maintain a positive social identity. When their social identity is threatened and group boundaries are permeable, organizations defect to other groups. This paper, suggests that organizations receibe identity-discrepant cues when in-group members defect to an out-group, but how organiations respond to such cues hinges on their social affiliations to the in-group, out-group, and defectors. a study of organizations that migrated from the (NASDAQ members) reduced the impact of identity-discrepant cues and diminished detections. Conversely, strong ties to out-group members (NYSE members) enhanced the impact of identity-discrepatn cues and increased defection. Proximity to defectors incresed cross-over - organizations followed detectors to whom they had direct ties. Implications for the study of embeddedness are outlined

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