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SAMUELSON, Paul Anthony

Readings in economics - 7 ed - New York : McGraw-Hill do Brasil, 1973 - 384 p.

Parte 1 Basic economic concepts and national income 1. Definition of economics, Alfred Marshall 2. One side, All sides-or no sides, Goldon Wrigth 3. Population growth and povert, Thomas R. Malthus 4. Controlling the population explosion, Ansley J. Coale 5. Free private enterprise, sumner H. Slicther 6. The economic organisation of a P.O.W Camp, R. A. Radford 7. Capital and roundabout production, Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk 8. Estimates of demand curve for marijuana among UCLA Students, Clarles T. Nisbet and Firouz Vakil 9. Roofs or ceilings, Milton Friedman 10. Defense of usury, Milton Friedman 11. Migrant Workers, Milton friedman A dialogue on blood and money 12. Free blood in England, bougth blood in U.S., Paul A. Samuelson 13. Does money really destroy giving?, Kenneth J.Arrow Debate on Galbraith 14. Galbraith: oui, Robin Marris 15. Galbraith: Non, Robert M. Solow 16. The real truth about Profit maximizing, Eli Goldston 17. Capitalist ethics-Tough or soft?, Jack Hirshleifer 18. A citizen's Guide to the american economy, Ralph Nader 19. The role of labor unions, Geoge W. Taylor A dialogue on the proper economic role of the state 20. The government of the economy, George Stigler 21. The economic role of private activity, Paul A. Samuelson 22. The negative income tax, James Tobin Part 2 Determination of national income and its fluctuations 23. How Keynes came to america, Jonh Kenneth Galbraith 24. Keynesian and other present-day heresies, Henry Hazlit 25. Hyperinflation: Germany 1919-1923, Frank D. Graham 26. Chronic inflation: twentieth-century Chile, Joseph Grunwald Debate on creeping inflation 27 The case for creeping inflation, sumner H. Slichter 28. The case against creeping inflation, Jules Backman 29. The monetary base-explanation and analytical use, federal reserve bank of St. Louis 30. First debate on monetarism 31. Monetarism objectively evaluated, Paul A. Samuelson 32. The Evils of deficit spending, Harry F. Byrd 33. The need for balanced federal budgets, Maurice H. Stans 34. Deficit, deficit, who's got the deficit? James Tobin Parte 3 The composition and princing of national output 35. Free Gold: A supply-demand Market, David Williams 36. Pratical problemams of marginal-cost princing, Ralph Turvey 37. Price leadership: the case of the cigarette industry, William H. Nicholls 38. The cost of automobile model changes since 1949, Franklin M. Fisher, Zvi Grilinces, and Carl Kaysen Debate on advertising 39. The case for taxed advertising, Sven lindqvist 40. Some aspects of the economics of advertising, L.G. Telser 41. Capitalism and economic progress, Joseph A. Schumpeter 42. Communication and collusion: the case of the eletrical industry, John Brooks Debate on antitrust 43. A policy for antitrust law, Carl Kaysen and Donald F. Turner 44. In my new industrial state trust busting not needed, J.K Galbraith 45. New antitrust policy, senator philip Hart Part 4 Distribution of income: the princing of the productive factores 46. Sources of United States economic growth, Edwrd F. Denison 47. On rent, David Ricardo 48. Progress and poverty, Henry George 49. Oil shortage a myth created by mideast monopoly and "Tax collection" giant corporations, M. A. Adelman 50. Minimun-wage rates, Milton friendman 51. Can union power be curbed?, edward H. Chamberlin Part 5 Internacional trade and finance 52. Petition of the candlemakers-1845, Frederic Bastiat 53. Petition of the candlemakers-1951, Congressional Hearings Debate on stable exchange rates 54. The case for flexible exchange rates, Milton Friedman 55. A defence of fixed exchange rates, Hery C. Wallich 56. Reforming the international economic system: the nixom proposals, the economic report of the president, 1973 part 6 Current economic problems 57. Stages of growth and the take-off: yes, W. W. Rostow 58. Stages of growth and the take-off: no, Simon Kuznets 59. On improving the economic status of the blak-american , James Tobin 60. Race riots and poverty, Daniel P. Moynihan 61. New York City: A paradigm for urban economics eveywhere, Natham Glazer 62. The economic role of women and sex discrimination, the economic report of the president, 1973 (Marina Whitman et al.) 63. Is growth obsolete?, William Nordhaus and James Tobin Debate on doomsday 64. The limits to growth, Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, Jorgen Randers, and William W. Behrens III 65. "Doomsday models" and the "chicken little" Syndrome: or "The computer that cried "Wolf", Robert M.Solow Debate on incomes policy 66. Wage-price guideposts: no, Arthur F. Burns 67. Wage-price guideposts: yes, Otto Eckstein 68. Mandatory and permanent wage-price Controls, J.K. Galbraith 69. Second debate on monetarism 70. Both fiscal and monetary policy, yes Walter W. Heller 71. Monetarism pure and neat, no, Paul A. Samuelson 72. Modern capitalism, Andrew shonfield 73. The best laid plans, Charles P. Kindleberger 74. Social darwinism and the forgotten man, William Graham Sumner 75. The essence of das Kapital, Karl Marx 76. American imperialism: a marxian view, Paul Baran and Paul M. Sweezy Debate on alienation 77. The marxist theory of alienation, Enerst Mandel 78. Myth of the alienated worker meets the fact of workers who deny it, Inving Kristol Debate on New Left economics 79. Yes to lindbleck on new left, G.L. bach 80. In defense of new left economics, Stephen Hymer and Frank Roosevelt 81. Response to debate on new left economics, Assar Lindbeck 82. Planning and the market in the U.S.S.R., Abram bergson 83. The economy of China: A tourist's view , James Tobin 84. Economic possibilities for our grandchildren(1930), John Maynard Keynes

Teoria Economica

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