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L´affaire Groupaction : un cas de politisation de la fonction publique fédérale? - Toronto : IPAC, Winter 2003

The Groupaction affair draws attention to two forms of politicization in the federal public service, one partisan and the other structural. Partisan politicization and the integration of political staff within the public service through Section 39 of The Public Service Employment Act have become more common in recent years. The concept of structural politicization underlines how the Canadian public service is not politically neutral in the face of those wishing to undo the federal order. While it does not constitute an excuse that could justify the type of behaviour observed in the Groupaction affair, structural politicization provides a context for understanding why some public servants thought it could be legitimate to circumvent the rules in order to preserve national unity

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública


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