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The new institutionalism in organizational analysis - Chicago : The University of Chicago, 1991 - 478 p.


Introduction - Paul J. DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell Part one: the initial formulations Institutionalized organizations: formal structure as myth and ceremony - John W. Meyer and Brian Rowan The iron cage revisited: institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organization fields - Paul J. DiMaggio and Walter W. Powell The role of institutionalization in cultural persistence - Lynne G. Zucker The organization of societal sectors: propositions and early evidence - W. Richard Scott and John W. Meyer Part Two: refining institutional theory Institutions, institutional effects, and institutionlism - Ronald L. Jepperson Unpacking institutional arguments - W. Richard Scott Expanding the scope of institutional analysis - Walter W. Powell The public order and the construction of formal organizations - Ronald L. Jepperson and John W. Meyer Bringing society back in: symbols, practises, and institutional contradictions - Roger Friedland and Robert R. Alford Part Three: empirical investigations Constructing organizational fields Constructing an organizational field as a professional project: U.S. art museums, 1920-1940 - Paul J. DiMaggio Making corporate actors accountable: institutio-building in minneapolis-St. Paul - Joseph Galaskiewicz Institutional change The structural transformation of america industry: an institutional account of the causes of diversification in the largest firms, 1919-1979 - Neil Fligstein Institutional origins and transformation: the case of american community colleges - Steven Brint and Jerome Karabel Institutional and competitive forces Organizational isomorphism in east Asia - Marco Orru, Nicole Woolsey Biggart, and Gary G. Hamilton Institutional change and ecological dynamics - Jitendra V. Singh, David J. Tucker, and Agnes G. Meinhard

Estrutura Organizacional
Agente de Mudança
Comportamento Organizacional
Teoria Administrativa

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública


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