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Present, Phillip E

People and public administration : case studies and perspectives - Pacific Palisades : Palisades , 1979 - 292 p.

Topic one - public administration: its characteristics and challenges Introduction 1 - The pornography of everyday life - Warren Bennis 2 - The seven secrets of the metroliner's success - Walter Shapiro 3 - How outsiders overhauled a public agency - Arthur Spiegel III 4 - Watergate as a case study in management - Max Ways 5 - When government works - Anthony Lewis Topic two - The individual in administration: ethical choices Introduction 6 - Honest graft and dishonest graft - William Riordan 7 - The curious case of the indicted meat inspectors - Peter Schuck 8 - 'Going public' and the federal code of ethics: the case of Tucker and Sullivan 9 - The price of blowing the whistle - Helen Dudar 10 - Stanley Sporking, honest man, puts Carter on the spot - Mary McGrory Topic three - The individual and the organization 11 - The department of energy's continuing, confusing shake-down - Richard Corrigan 12 - A case study on the impact of public policy affecting women - Jennifer Oldfield 13 - Federal staffs are fearful of shake-up plans - Kathy Sawyer 14 - Bell figuring out how to outfox the bureaucrats - Ronald J. Ostrow 15 - Lilith Reynolds Topic four - The individual in the public personnel process 16 - a boss takes his jobs personally - and his persons expect it - Ellen Goodman 17 - Civil service rule book may bury Carter's bid to achieve efficiency - Karen Eliott House 18 - Civil service: a shocking inside view - Barbara Rasmussen 19 - The Oppenheimer case: a study in the abuse of law - Harold P. Green 20 - The new face of the peace corps - Chris Kenrick 21 - A success on the job, she flunked the test - William Raspberry 22 - Quotas and the San Francisco police: a sergeant's dilemma - Anthony J. Balzer Topic five - the administrator as decision and policymaker 23 - General Hershey and his proposed induction of draft protestors - Larry Wade 24 - The seditious plot thickens - Art Buchwald 25 - Vietnam cover-up: playing war with numbers - Sam Adams 26 - MBO goes to work in the public sector - Rodney H. Brady 27 - Management vs. man - August Heckscher Topic six - Budgets and program evaluation: on the road to accountability 28 - The tale of how one agency used ZBB - and lived to tell about it -Joel Havemann 29 - Zero-based budgeting comes to Washington - James Q. Wilson 30 - Budgetary strategies - Aaron Wildavsky 31 - National bureau of standards: a fall from Grace - G. B. Kolata 32 - The man who shapes the federal budget 33 - Evaluating a program's success or failure, it's much easter said than done - Joel Havemann 34 - Education programs getting critical look - Jack McCurdy


Serviço Público
Estudo de Caso
Tomada de Decisão
Prestação de Contas
Políticas Públicas

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública


  • Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos
  • Funcionamento: segunda a sexta-feira, das 9h às 19h
  • +55 61 2020-3139 / biblioteca@enap.gov.br
  • SPO Área Especial 2-A
  • CEP 70610-900 - Brasília/DF
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