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The global social policy reader - Inglaterra : University of Bristol, 2009 - 520 p.

Section 1. Rethinking social policy in a globalising world Globalism and the study of social policy - Bob Deacon, Michelle Hulse and Paul Stubbs Globalization and human welfare: why is there a need for a global social policy? - Vic George and Paul Wilding Social politics and policy in an era of globalization: critical reflections - Nicola Yeates Analysing transnational policy formation: the case of pensions privatization - Mitchell A. Orenstein Section 2. Global poverty and inequality Poverty, social exclusion and social polarisation: the need to construct an international welfare state - Peter Townsend The international measurement of poverty and anti-poverty policies - David Gordon Globalization, poverty and income distribution: does the liberal argument hold? - Robert Hunter Wade Gender and poverty: how misleading is the unitary model of household resources? - Jane Falkingham and Angela Baschieri Globalization and inequality - Branko Milanovic The world distributions of household wealth - James B. Davies, Susanna Sandstrom, Anthony Shorrocks and Edward N. Wolff Section 3. Global policy actors, institutions and processes Organizational politics, multilateral economic organizations and social policy - Robert O'Brien International class conflict and social policy - Kevin Farnsworth The world health organization and global public-private health partnership: in search of 'good' global health governance - Kent Buse and Gill Walt New hope or false dawn? Voluntary codes of conduct, labour regulation and social policy in a globalizing world - Ruth Pearson and Gill Seyfang The framework convention on Tobacco control: the politics of global health governance - Jeff Collin, Kelley Lee and Karen Bissell ILO Philadelphia declaration 1944 Universal declaration of human rights 1948 Declaration of Alma-Ata International Conference on primary health care (1978) Millennium development goals Section 4. Glabalization and welfare transformations The logic of globalization: the changing context of welfare state - Ramesh Mishra Too important to leave to the economists? The political economy of welfare retrenchment - Colin Hay After the golden age? Welfare state dilemmas in a global economy - Gosta Esping-Andersen Paradoxes of the competition state: the dynamics of political globalization - Philip G. Cerny At global crossroads: the end of the Washington consensus (Part A) - David Held Attacking poverty and the 'post-Washington Consensus' - Paul Mosley The private sector and privatization in social services: is the Washington Consensus 'dead'? - Santosh Mehrotra and Enrique Delamonica From 'safety nets' back to 'universal social provision': is the global tide turning? - Bob Deacon Section 5. Global social policy futures A possible world: democratic transformation of global institutions - Heikki Patomäki and Teivo Teivanen Charter of principles of the world social forum (june 2001) At the global crossroads: the rise of global social democracy? (Part B) - David Held The basis of a new internationalism: cosmopolitan principles - David Held Allocating a global levy - Bob Deacon Towards a global social policy - Ramesh Mishra Deglobalization: ideas for a new world economy - Walden Bello Globalization, regional integration and social policy - Nicola Yeates and Bob Deacon A fair globalizations: creating opportunities for all - World Commisson on the Social Dimensions of Globalization Migration in a interconnected world - Global Commission on International Migration Closing the gap - Global Commission on the Social Determinants of Health


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