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Administration et politique en Finlande - d'une élite aristocratique à un réseau issu des classes moyennes - Paris : IIAP, avril/juin 1998

Up until the end of the 10th century, the civil service was in the hands of an aristocratic elite. Russian domination, followed by independence, called the aristrocatic privileges into question by introducing new criteria as regards qualifications for access to the civil service. This development has been characterised by the increase in overall cohesion of the civil service. Furthermore, the evolution of the economic climate has reduced politicians' margin for manoeuvre and the power of bureaucracy have as a results been reinforced

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública


  • Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos
  • Funcionamento: segunda a sexta-feira, das 9h às 19h
  • +55 61 2020-3139 / biblioteca@enap.gov.br
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