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CHENG Lianchang

Vers l'établissement d'un système de fonction publique en Chine? - Paris : IIAP, janv./mars 1989

The 13th conference of the Chinese Communist Party in 1987 decided to set up a professional civil service as part of the State apparatus. This system consists of two categories of officials: political cadres and career civil servants. With regard to the latter, the government has planned to introduce recruitment by competition, a system of assessment, promotion through merit, and in-service training. But the setting up of the system, which is to be phased in over the next ten years, is running into problems because of obstacles relating to the incorporation into the new civil service of existing staff, and the difficulty of drawing up job categories and an adequate system of remuneration

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública


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