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La croissance urbaine de São Paulo - Paris : IIAP, avril/juin 1981

Greater Sao-Paulo tops the nine Brazilian conurbations in size, population, riches and also problems. As far as the urban growth is concerned, the issue is one of organizing available space rather than refraining from expanding the boundaries of the city. In this sense, it seems necessary to aim at the following targets: fix viable population levels; set up infrastructures capable of dealing with denser population movements; monitor the swollowing up to smaller municipalities under correct conditions; limit or better spread the installation of industries; control population; watch out for a gradual and adequate use of the land. A first major attempt was made in this direction through passing an integrated municipal development Plan in 1970. A follow-up will take up new problems regarding administrative and political structures: this conurbation requires urgently innovating political and managerial levels to be set up from scratch

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública


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