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Vouchers : social housing and nursing homes - Paris : OECD, 1992 - 69 p. - Public Management. Occasional Papers. Market - Type Mechanisms ; 4 .

Foreword to the series on market-type mechanism Vouchers: issues and experiences - François Lacasse Paradoxes The logic of vouchers Definition Advantages and drawbacks attributed to vouchers Vouchers and the studies carried out in the MTM programme Contrasts: social housing in the United States and nursing homes for the elderly in the United Kingdom Housing vouchers in the United States British quasi-vouchers: nursing homes for the elderly Contrast: dominant factors Vouchers in the funding of residential care - D. Jackson and Mr. R. Haskings Vouchers for the elderly Development of systems of income maintenance, health and social services over recent years Current benefits and services Problems in the present sustem Independent residential care homes Small homes-background History of income-related benefits for people in homes Main objectives of the act and how to achieve the change Progress made towards the new community care policies Removing perverse incentives U.S. housing vouchers: a country report - staff working paper - Kenneth F. Ryder Jr. U.S. housing vouchers The U.S. housing market and housing problems Critical hosing problems Tenant rent burden Vouchers in relation to other federal resourse support for housing Design and operation of the U.S. housing voucher program Value and use of vouchers Budgeting for the voucher and section 8 existing programs Role of local housing authorities Assessment of the housing voucher program Rlative cost Tenant groups served Effects on housing supply Effects on rental prices Effects on tenant housing and other consumption Other program

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