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The global resurgence of democracy - 2 ed - Baltimore : The Johns Hopkings University Press, 1996 - 393 p.

I - The Democratic Moment Democracy's Third Wave - Samuel P. Huntington The New World Disorder - Ken Jowitt The Democratic Moment - Marc F. Plattner What Democracy Is ... and Is Not - Philippe C. Schmitter and Terry Lynn Karl Rethinking African Democracy - Claude Ake Dangers and Dilemmas of Democracy - Philippe C. Schmitter Delegative Democracy - Guillermo O'Donnell II - Institutional Choices and Designs Three Paradoxes of Democracy - Larry Diamond The Perils of Presidentialism - Juan J. Linz Comparing Democratic Systems - Donald L. Horowitz The Centrality of Political Culture - Seymour Martin Lipset The Virtues of Parliamentarism - Juan J. Linz Constitutional Choices for New Democracies - Arend Lijphart The Problem with PR - Guy Lardeyret PR and Democratic Statecraft - Quentin L. Quade Double-Checking the Evidence - Arend Lijphart The Primacy of the Particular - Ken Gladdish New Institutions in the Old East Bloc - Jan Zielonka III - Civil Society and Democracy Toward Democratic Consolidation - Larry Diamond Civil Society Then and Now - Bronislaw Geremek Postcommunism and the Problem of Trust - Richard Rose Russia's Fourth Transition - M. Steven Fish Pluralism in the Arab World - Iliya Harik Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital - Robert D. Putnam IV - The Global Democratic Prospect The Tide Underneath the Third Wave - Henry S. Rowen The Primacy of Culture - Francis Fukuyama More Liberal, Preliberal, or Postliberal? - Philippe C. Schmitter Do Economists Know Best?- Guillermo O'Donnell The Asian Spectrum - Muthiah Alagappa Between Africa's Extremes - Michael Chege Where East Meets West - Marcin Krol The Post-Totalitarian Blues - Jacques Rupnik

Teoria Politica
Regimes e Sistemas Politicos
Relacoes Estado e Sociedade
Direitos Humanos
Participacao Politica
Participacao Social
Sistema Político
Sociedade Politica
Cultura Politica
Instituicoes Politicas
Teoria Politica
Teoria do Estado
Sistema de Governo
Sociedade Civil

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública


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  • Funcionamento: segunda a sexta-feira, das 9h às 19h
  • +55 61 2020-3139 / biblioteca@enap.gov.br
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