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Citizens and the new governance : beyond new public management - Amsterdam : IOS Press, 1999 - 239 p. - International Institute of Administrative Sciences Monographs ; 10 .

Introduction: Citizens and the new governance - Luc Rouban What kind of a citizen for what kind of state? - Francoise Dreyfus Transparency and citizen participation - Stefan Sjoblom Citizens and the quality of public administration in Greece - Calliope Spanou The improvement policy of services to the users in France in the face of equity requests - Philippe Warin Municipal democracy and citizens' participation. Citizens' views on municipal dacision-making and possibilities to affect local social policies - Vuokko Niieranem Recent legislative innovations in the greek administrative institutions: the example of the "citizen'advocate" institution or the greek Ombudsman - Panagiotis E. Poulis The experience of France's "family" welfare office: lessons in the search for new management techniques - Michel Chauviere Citizenship and policy-making in the netherlands: the limits of an interactive approach - Monique Esselbrugge Unions of civil servants and the quality of governance in France - Jeanne Siwek-Pouydesseau Citizens and the quality of public action: seeking a new form of management. Public safeguarding of public service users in Italy and the "carta dei servizi pubblici" - Stefano Battini Partnership boards in northern ireland: an administrative innovation in active citizenship or another quango? - Derek Birrell and Ann Marie Gray New public management and its critics. Alternative roads to flexible service delivery to citizens? - Carsten Greve and Peter Kragh Jespersen Between autonomy and subordination: bureaucratic legitimacy and administrative change in Germany - Klaus H. Goetz The fallacies of new public management - Can they still be prevented in the austrian context? - Barbara Liegl The consumption of best practices. How to understand new public management - Tarja Saarelainen Reports of the permanent study groups of the EGPA Informatisation in public administration: re-territorialisation in a framework of de-territorialisation? Geographic information systems in public administration - Wim van de Donk and John Taylor Personnel policies - David Farnham, Annie Hondeghem and Sylvia Horton Productivity and quality in the public sector - Geert Bouckaert and Petri Uusikyla Public finance and management - Mihaly Hogye Cooperation in continuing education, training, reserch and consulting between eastern and western Europe - Gyorgy Jenei Contractualisation in the public sector ince 1980 - Yvonne Fortin and Hugo Van Hassel

Relações Estado e Sociedade
Cidadania e Participação
Participação Cidadã
Gestão Participativa
Participação Política
Participação Social
Crítica da Administração Pública
Tomada de Decisão
Formulação de Políticas
Inovação Administrativa
Administração Regional
Política Social

Irlanda do Norte

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública


  • Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos
  • Funcionamento: segunda a sexta-feira, das 9h às 19h
  • +55 61 2020-3139 / biblioteca@enap.gov.br
  • SPO Área Especial 2-A
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