Active citizens and the therapeutic state : the role of democratic participation in local government reform - 2001
The Local Government Bil and the White and Green Papers informing it claim to deliver an agenda of democratic renewal. The reforms promise to reconnect local councils with local communities through a process of political renewal, a new statutory duty of community-wide consultation and the encouragement of active citizenship. This article assess whether the plans for increased popular engagement in consultation processes actually develop democratic accoutability, and suggests that, although the current proposals may institutionalise new links between government and community groups and individuals, they will provide little local control over policy making
Active citizens and the therapeutic state : the role of democratic participation in local government reform - 2001
The Local Government Bil and the White and Green Papers informing it claim to deliver an agenda of democratic renewal. The reforms promise to reconnect local councils with local communities through a process of political renewal, a new statutory duty of community-wide consultation and the encouragement of active citizenship. This article assess whether the plans for increased popular engagement in consultation processes actually develop democratic accoutability, and suggests that, although the current proposals may institutionalise new links between government and community groups and individuals, they will provide little local control over policy making