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L'État , les conglomérats et les élites politiques en Corée du Sud : l'enjeu du gouvernement de Kim Dae-jung - Paris : ENA, avril/juin 2001

The 1960s heralded the development of a number of powerful conglomerates in South Korea called Chaebols. While the state largely approved of their development, these conglomerates have resulted in a large concentration of economic interests. This article analyses the relationships and the conflicts of intrest which have arisen between political authorities and the conglomerates. When Kim Dae-jung put forward his candidature in the elections, in a context of financial crisis, he promised to reduce the role of the State in the market while also limiting the influence of teh Chaebols. Above all he is set to follow the plan for stabilising the economy as laid outby the IMF, wichout reallyhaving introduced the aticipated reforms or having fulfilled his preelection promises

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública

Escola Nacional de Administração Pública


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