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International briefing 6 training and development in the United States

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Material type: materialTypeLabelArticlePublisher: 2000International Journal of training and development 4, 2, p. 138-149Abstract: Increasingly, training and development is playing an important and strategic role in the economic success of US organisations (Marquardt, 1999, Tannenbaum and Yukl, 1992). US organisations recognise that they now operate in a new global economy, an economy which involves the use of advanced technoloties and increased responsiveness to customers' needs. It is becoming one that requires greater and greater innovation and flexibility in produciton, service delivery and market know-how. American firms realise more than ever that employee knowledge gained through training and development has become a strategic necessity and more and more the source of strategic advantage (Druncker, 1994)
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Periódico Biblioteca Graciliano Ramos
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Increasingly, training and development is playing an important and strategic role in the economic success of US organisations (Marquardt, 1999, Tannenbaum and Yukl, 1992). US organisations recognise that they now operate in a new global economy, an economy which involves the use of advanced technoloties and increased responsiveness to customers' needs. It is becoming one that requires greater and greater innovation and flexibility in produciton, service delivery and market know-how. American firms realise more than ever that employee knowledge gained through training and development has become a strategic necessity and more and more the source of strategic advantage (Druncker, 1994)

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