1 - How far are you prepared to go? The turf game The autonomy of organizational politics Charge agency Turf game tatics The political entrepreneur: warrant and reputation 2 - the terminology gama The necessary and desirable politics of change You take the road Power: what is it, how can I get more? We'll take the low road Organization politics: the language game 3 - Sit in judgement Warrants, accounts and reputations Good guys, bad guys 4 - Men behaving badly Motivation, morals and legitimacy Machiavellian politics From organization man to gamesman The empowered manager and male politics 5 - The entrepreneurial hero The rising man Intrepreneurs and change masters The new leadership The moral maze The moral matrix 6 - The politics of failure and the failure of politics Failing fashions The politics of failure The failure of politics The political entrepreneur 7 - Power-assisted steering: maxims for princess and princessas Positioning: pitch and players Beyond the recipe: a creative perspective Playing the turf game: strategies and tatics Accounting: the politics of complention and afterline The perspective of the political entrepreneur 8 - The triggering factors Personal, decisional and strutuctural triggers Politics in the postmoder organization: has the ground moved? Machiavelli in a new millenium The right stuff: developing political competence A loss of innocence?
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