Instructional Materials -General -Handbooks and manuals -Textbooks Cognitive aspects of survey methodology (CASM) Design -Instructional Materials -Instrument design -Question design Sampling -General -Error -Instructional materials -Specific populations -Telephone Interviewers -Bias -Effects -Error -Interviewer-Respondent interaction Interviewing -Cognitive -Confidentially -Conversational -Ethnographic -History -Incentives -Indirect -Instructional materials -Introductions -Probing -Specific populations Data collection methods -Computer assisted -Face-to-face -Face-to-face and diary -Face-to-face and mail questionnaire -Face-to-face, mail questionnaire, and self-administered questionnaire -Face-to-face, mail questionnaire, and telephone -Face-to-face and secret ballot -Face-to-face and self-administered questionnaire -Face-to-face, self-administered questionnaire and telephone -Face-to-face and telephone -Focus group and mail questinnaire -Mail questionnair and telephone -Telephone Respondents -Characteristics -Cognitive processes -Consent -Memory/recall -Poll impact -Proxy -Refusals -Undecided Responses -Bias -Effects -Error -Intensity -Model -Nonresponse -Overreporting -Randomized response technique -Underreporting Analysis -Bayesian -Error -Incomplete and missing data -Instructional materials -Reliability -Replication -Secondary -Validity Reporting Discipline-Oriented studies and applications to specific areas -Business -Criminology -Education -Health and medicine -Law -Law enforcement -Library science -Local government -Mass media -Military science -Political psychology -Politics -Population studies -Psychology -Public administration -Religion -Sex research -Social work -Women's studies
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