Dérégulation des services publics et statut
By: ROUX, Jean-Paul.
Material type: ArticlePublisher: Paris : IIAP, oct./déc. 1996Revue Française D'Administration Publique 80, p. 683-688Abstract: The offensive against the public service has been launched. Neo-liberal thought, under the guise of modernity and under the pretext of Europe, is pursuing its strategy. However, the present social crisis, now more than ever before, is placing our public services at the heart of the struggle against exclusion, in order to reduce divisions in society. Europe itself, if its ambition is not limited to producing a vast area of free movement, needs a strong public policy guaranteeing the public interest in order to maintain its balance and its development. The idea of public service implies also the activities of those men and women who enable the services to function. In our country, the particular status of civil servants provide the guarantee for the execution of public service tasksThe offensive against the public service has been launched. Neo-liberal thought, under the guise of modernity and under the pretext of Europe, is pursuing its strategy. However, the present social crisis, now more than ever before, is placing our public services at the heart of the struggle against exclusion, in order to reduce divisions in society. Europe itself, if its ambition is not limited to producing a vast area of free movement, needs a strong public policy guaranteeing the public interest in order to maintain its balance and its development. The idea of public service implies also the activities of those men and women who enable the services to function. In our country, the particular status of civil servants provide the guarantee for the execution of public service tasks
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