Les conditions de la réussite de la réforme de l'État et de la modernisation de l'administration
By: GUALEZZI, Jean-Pierre.
Material type: ArticlePublisher: Paris : IIAP, oct./déc. 1996Revue Française D'Administration Publique 80, p. 705-712Abstract: Confronting a question which is eminently political, but the handling of which will rebound upon the future of millions of employees, public sector trade unions must, more so than in other areas, take their full measure of responsability. But this is subject to two conditions. Reform should put into question neither the very essence of the notions of state and public service, nor the fundamental guarantees from which public sector employees benefits. Reform must be undertaken for, and with, employees and should not represent a form of entrapment for them. Hence the necessity to accompany reform with intense and appropriate social dialogueConfronting a question which is eminently political, but the handling of which will rebound upon the future of millions of employees, public sector trade unions must, more so than in other areas, take their full measure of responsability. But this is subject to two conditions. Reform should put into question neither the very essence of the notions of state and public service, nor the fundamental guarantees from which public sector employees benefits. Reform must be undertaken for, and with, employees and should not represent a form of entrapment for them. Hence the necessity to accompany reform with intense and appropriate social dialogue
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