L'administration et le principe de légalité
Material type: ArticlePublisher: Paris : IIAP, avril/juin 1996Revue Française D'Administration Publique 78, p. 279-290Abstract: As in any system governed by the rule of law, the administration in Germany is obliged to abide by the principle of legality. The application of legal norms which are binding upon the administration (such as the Constitution, EC Law, statute law, general principles of administrative law, administrative regulations and customary law) are often complex, given the specific nature of administrative activity. Moreover, the principle of legality is faced with new challenges linked to the emergence of new enquires into the capacity of law to regulate activityAs in any system governed by the rule of law, the administration in Germany is obliged to abide by the principle of legality. The application of legal norms which are binding upon the administration (such as the Constitution, EC Law, statute law, general principles of administrative law, administrative regulations and customary law) are often complex, given the specific nature of administrative activity. Moreover, the principle of legality is faced with new challenges linked to the emergence of new enquires into the capacity of law to regulate activity
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