L'administration publique en Allemagne et en France - des systèmes différents des valeurs communes
By: Marcou, Gérard.
Material type: ArticlePublisher: Paris : IIAP, avril/juin 1996Revue Française D'Administration Publique 78, p. 357-374Abstract: In spite of exchanges and mutual influences which have existed for two centuries there are a number of difference between the French and German administrative systems. The most important differences relate, on the hand, to the theoretical underpinnings upon which the legitimisation of the rule of State rests, and on the other hand, to the legal form of the State, which is federal in Germany and unitary in France. But, nevertheless, the ways in which the two countries have chosen to adopt their system of public administration are often of similar nature and bear witness to the existence of common valueIn spite of exchanges and mutual influences which have existed for two centuries there are a number of difference between the French and German administrative systems. The most important differences relate, on the hand, to the theoretical underpinnings upon which the legitimisation of the rule of State rests, and on the other hand, to the legal form of the State, which is federal in Germany and unitary in France. But, nevertheless, the ways in which the two countries have chosen to adopt their system of public administration are often of similar nature and bear witness to the existence of common value
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