La politique culturelle française
By: HOLLEAUX, André.
Material type: ArticlePublisher: Paris : IIAP, avril/juin 1982Revue Française D'Administration Publique 22, p. 7-50Abstract: This paper presents a large overview of French cultural policy, discussing its main trends and shifts of emphasis and problems encountered since the ministry of André Malraux.Abstract: The main chapters hence cover national monuments and traditions preservation policy, liberal approaches to cultural policy, emphasis on national and local idiosyncratic values, musical policy, cinematographic policy, and decentralizationThis paper presents a large overview of French cultural policy, discussing its main trends and shifts of emphasis and problems encountered since the ministry of André Malraux.
The main chapters hence cover national monuments and traditions preservation policy, liberal approaches to cultural policy, emphasis on national and local idiosyncratic values, musical policy, cinematographic policy, and decentralization
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