GREVE, Carsten

New avenues for contracting out and implications for a theoretical framework - 2001

Contracting out has revolved around certain recurring issues, such as performane and accountability. But the contracting out agenda is expanding, as illustrated by the Danish case. More and more tasks, such as adminisrative tasks,close to the mayor`s office in municipalities are being contracted out. Private sector companies have adpoted a more sophisticated way of dealing and negotiating with public sector purchasers in trying to dismantle arguments against contracting out. The latest trend is to focus on public-private partnerships that indicate cooperation instedad of competition and trust instead of adversary relationships. These new avenues of cotnracting out have implications for the theoretical framework. The article considers the possibilities of the Advocacy Coallition Framework developed by Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith, an approach that has not yet been used to analyze contracting out to the author`s knowledge