Reforming the state : managerial public administration in Latin America - Colorado : Lynne Rienner , 1999 - 213 p.

Managerial public administration: strategy and structure for a new state - Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira On the design of the state: a principal-agent perspective - Adam Przeworski The global revolution: reforming government-sector management - Donald F. Kettl The complementary of economic restructuring and rebuilding the state in Latin America - William Glade Possibilities and political imperatives: seventy years of administrative reform in Latin America - Peter Spink From bureaucratic to managerial public administration in Brazil - Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira Democratic governability in Latin America at the end of the twentieth century - Joan Prats i Català


Reforma Administrativa
Setor Público
Agente de Mudança
Forma de Estado

America Latina