Political science : the state of the discipline / editado por Ira Katznelson e Helen V. Milner. -- - New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2002. - 994 p.

The state in an era of globalization Margaret Levi - The state of the study of the state Miles Kahler - The state of the state in world politics Atul Kohli - State, society, and development James E. Alt - Comparative political economy: credibility, accountability, and institutions James D. Morrow - International conflict: assessing the democratic peace and offense-defense theory Stephen M. Walt - The enduring relevance of the realist tradition Democracy, justice, and their institutions Ian Shapiro - The state of democratic theory Jeremy Waldron - Justice Romand Coles - Pluralization and radical democracy: recent developments in critical theory and postmodernism Gerald Gamm and John Huber - Legislatures as political institutions: beyond the contemporary congress Barbara Geddes - The great transformation in the study of politics in developing countries Kathleen Thelen - The political economy of business and labor in the developed democracies Citizenship, identity, and political particiption Seyla Benhabib - Political theory and political membership in a changing world Kay Lehman Schlozman - Citizen participation in america: what do we know? Why do we care? Nancy Burns - Gender: public opinion and political action Michael C. Dawson and Cathy Cohen - Problems in the study of the politics of race Morris P. Fiorina - Parties, participation, and representation in america: old theories face new realities Amy Gutman - Identity and democracy: a synthetic perspective Randall Calvert - Identity, expression, and rational-choice theory Thomas Risse - Constructivism and international institutions: toward conversations across paradigms Studying politics David D. Laitin - Comparative politics: the state of the subdiscipline Barry R. Weingast - Rational - choice institutionalism Paul Pierson and Theda Skocpol - Historical institutionalism in contemporary political science Karen Orren and Stephen Skowronek - The study of american political development Robert Powell - Game theory, international relations theory, and the hobbesian stylization Charles M. Cameron and Rebecca Morton - Formal theory meets data Donald P. Green and Alan S. Gerber - Reclaiming the experimental tradition in political science

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Teoria Politica
Ciência Política
Teoria do Estado
Política Externa
Contexto Politico
Poderes do Estado
Relacoes Estado e Sociedade
Países em Desenvolvimento
Contexto Economico
Relacoes Trabalhistas
Participacao politica
Politica de Imigracao
Politica Racial
Partido Politico
Ideologia Politica
Instituicao Internacional
Analise Comparativa
Método de Pesquisa
Teoria dos Jogos