PROCTOR, Rosemary

The South Africa/Canada Program on Governance : an experiment in supporting democracy - 2000

The South Africa/Canada Program on Governance is a CIDA-funded inititiative that assisted South Africa's transition to democracy in 1993 and 1994 and since then has supported the country's leaders in building the basic systems of government. It has done this by making available to senior South African elected and appointed officials Canadian public-service practitioner advice, foucing always on the key people, key places, and core proesses of government. The program has provided advice on constitutional arrangements, the establishment of a representative public service, support to the centre of government, planning and budgeting, and services delivery through its special advisers resident in Johannesburg, through workshops, through study visits to Canada for south Africans, and through the assignment of Canadian public servants to carry out projects in South Africa. Much of its work has been carried out under the auspices of twinning arrangements between six Canadian provinces and six South African provinces and their respective national departments of ublic works. As the program draws to and end, the authors, two of the program's special advisers, argue that in addition to providing important assitance during the transition to democracy, the program has been successful in a number of identifiable ways by supporting good governance in South Africa. They also argue that there is good reason for continued Canadian assistance in this area