COLEMAN, Venetta I

Investigating the underlying structure of the citizenship performance domain - 2000

The purpose of this research was to delineate the conceptual organization of the contextual or citizenship performance domain. Similarity data were generated through the inductive content sorting of sorting of citizenship performance behavior (CPBs) categories and analyzed via exploratory factor analysis, multidimensional scaling (MDS), and a subsequent cluster analysis associated with the MDS. The current research resulted in a hierarchical integrated model providing a structural framework for this domain. When this framework is applied to a number of previously developed theoretical or empirically derived models, it appears to capture the constructs associated with the models, ientifies similar constructs between the models and clarifies the relatioships between our model and these previously developed theoretical or empirically derived models, it appears to capture the constructs associated with the models, identifies similar constructs between the models and clarifies the relatioships between our model and these previously developed models. Overall, the proposed integrated model and these previously developed models. Overall, the proposed integrated models has the potential to provide a much-needed framework to represent the underlying structure of the citizenship performance domain. However, models at different levels of specificity are likely to be useful for different applications