GILLIS JR., Floyd E.

Managerial economics : decision making under certainty for business and engineering - Estados Unidos : Addison-Wesley, 1969 - 296 p.

Chapter 1 - Some fundamental ideas and problems What is profit? The sunk-cost principle The joint-cost principle The delagation of decisions: "The book" What rate of return? Opportunity cost as an operational idea Suboptimization The horizon problem Contribution and its analysis chapter 2 - Some basic tools Two simple tools from calculus Compound interest Six kinds of problems The selling price of a bond Contributions into a sinking fund Chapter 3 - Miscellaneous techniques for capital decisions Profiles Break-even analysis Fund-flow analysis Planning working capital needs: a naive model Analysis of incremental rate of return Average rate of return and pay-out Chapter 4 - Capital decisions: compound interest models the single-venture problem The bond problem Some special problems Anual cost techniques Present-value techniques Incremental cost analysis Choice of technique Chapter 5 - Replacement policy Old assets never die Cost of teh defender The first terborgh model The model assuming a zero interest rate Solving for the life on an asset, i=10 The terborgh model: the long route Simple averages compared with time-adjusted averages The model completed An example Closing comments Chapter 6 - Inventories Accounting for inventories Minimizing inventory costs Chapter 7 - Linear programming Boundaries The simplex Chapter 8 - Demand Theory Ordinary demand curves, total revenue The price-demand curve Two price-demand curve Two concepts of product growth The practical problem of estimating demand the consumer panel The market experiment Statistic On the meeting of minds Chapter 9 - Costs The elementary theory of cost Standard costs and business decisions Direct costing Chapter 10 - Pricing the product The economic models All pricting problems are games Is monopolistic competition a special case The kinked demand curve Exploitation The auction: theory and practice The strategy of competitive bidding Some special strategies fore real life Chapter 11 - Price as a variable Image Organization Cost-plus pricing Table of normal curve areas Compound interest tables