Born with quality - TQM in a maternity clinic - 2000

This study was carried out in a hospital trying to implement TQM. The purpose was to assess the effects of using TQM and thereby judging whether this use could be valid and to find some success factors for implementing TQM in this kind of organisations. Specific qualit dimensions have ben defined. Based on them, the results of the quality work have ben assessed and found to be positive. The most pronounced positive effects were better evaluations, increased ability to implement changes and increased ability to implement changes and increased creativity. Only two negative effects were found - a temporarily increased workload, and envy from teh other clinics. Since the positive effects greatly outweigh the negative nes, this gives indications that the use of TQM in a hospital could be valid. Further, some success factors for implementing TQM were found. The foremost of these were sufficient information, commitment by the management, and evaluations of the operations

Health Care