Are you being served ? The responsiveness of public administration to citizens` demands : an empirical examination in Israel - R.A.W. Rhodes, 2000

Research in public administration (PA) is preocupied with questions of efficiency and effectives which are aimed at improving public sector performance. According to the new public management approach, adressing this proeminent challenge must rely upon a comprehensinve understanding of citizen`s/client`s perceptions of public sector operation and the estent to which public organizations are aware of public needs. This paper suggests a theoretical grounding and empirical examination of the relationship between citizen`s demands and PA`s responsiveness. Participants in the study were 281 residents of a large Israelicity who reported their feelings, ttitudes, and perceptions of local government activities in a variety of fields. Results indicate that perceptions of PA`s responsiveness are affected by both policy and cultural factors (for example business or social orientation of the public authority, entrepreneurship and initiation of changes, ethics, organizational politics) and by quality of the human resource system and of public servants (for example quality of leadership and management, quality of employees, general stress when contacting public officials). Implications of the study are discussed in light of the ongoing debate regarding the ned for a more responsive and efficient new public management and the difficulties it faces in western societies