HALL, Richard H

Organizations : structures, processes, and outcomes - 8 ed - New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2002 - 324 p.

Part I - The nature of organizations Chapter 1 - The outcomes of organizations Why study organizations Why do we have organizations? Organizations and the individual Categories of individuals Organizations and the community Societal outcomes Multinational organizations Why study organizations? Chapter 2 - On the nature and types of organizations Definitions from the past Contemporary definitions Are organizations real? The voluntary organization Part II - Organizational Structure Chapter 3 - Organizational structure: forms and outcoms Defining organizational structure Complexity Variance of complexity elements Formalization Formalization and outcomes for individuals Centralization Chapter 4 - Organizational structure: explanations Contextual explanations Organizational design Explaining organizational structure Part III - Organizational Processes Chapter 5 - Power and power outcomes The nature of power in organizations Horizontal power relationships A perspective on power in organizations Power in voluntary organizations Lower participants The outcomes of power relationships Conflict in organizations The social outcomes of power Chapter 6 - Leadership What is leadership? The outcomes of leadership for organizations Leadership in voluntary organization Chapter 7 - Decision Making Strategic decisions Variables and constraints Rationality Power and decision making The decision-making process Chapter 8 - Communication The importance of communication Individual factors Organizational factors Vertical Communication Horizontal communication Communication problems Communication to and from outside the organization Possible solutions Chapter 9 - Change The nature of organizational change The change process Innovation in organizations Chapter 10 - Organizational environments and interorganizational relationships The Environment and the formation of organizations Environmental dimensions Analytical dimensions The perception of the environment The impact of the environment on the organization Interorganizational relationships A framework for IOR analysis Interlocking boards of directors Outcomes of IOR Part V - Organizational effectiveness and organizational theory Chapter 11 - Organizational effectiveness toward a contradiction model of effectiveness Models of organizational effectiveness The contradiction model Chapter 12 - Organizational theory Population-ecology model Resource-dependence model Rational-contingency model transaction-cost model institutional model Combining the perspectives

Mudanca Organizacional
Estrutura da Organizacao
Tomada de Decisão
Teoria das Organizacoes