Performance-based instruction : linking training to business results - San Francisco : Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 1998 - 228 p.

Acompanha disquete

Part one - A practical approach to training issues 1 - Performance-based instruction: applicattion to customer service 2 - Performance-based instruction on the job 3 - Performance-based teamwork training 4 - Performance-based development 5 - Performance-based instruction and the hawthorne effect 6 - Performance-based instruction and job aids Part Two - A paradigm for the twenty-first century 7 - Performance-based instruction: a paradigm for twenty-first-century human resource development 8 - Converting to performance-based instruction Transfer of training: linking to what happens before and after 10 - Needs assessment and performance-based instruction 11 - A structured-design approach for performance-based instruction 12 - Integrating evaluation into performance-based instruction 13 - Performance-based instruction and learning-to-learn

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