The philosophic importance of political life : on the digression in Plato`s theaetetus - American Political Science Association, june. 2002

The reassessment of Plato`s stance toward democracy has made his understanding of the relationship between philosophy and politics a salient issue. To gain clarity on this issue, I examine the central passage of Plato`s Theaetetus, which treats the conflict between the philosopher and the orator-politician. Located in a dialogue devoted to the meaning of knowledge and often dismissed as a digression, the passage has received relatively scant attention regarding this issue. A careful consideration of the passage and its context, however, shows that the question of the meaningof knowledge reuires a consideration of the more comprehensive question of good and that this question is properly investigated through an examination of political life. Socrates thus focuses on politics not to guide pol;itical life but rather to vindicate the philosophic life. An appreciation of this motive should inform reflection concerning Plato`s view of the relationship between philosophy and politics