Reinventing government in the information age : international practice in IT-enabled public sector reform / editado por Richard Heeks - New York : Routledge, 1999. - 386 p. : il.

Part 1 - Information age reform 1 - Reinventing government in the information age 2 - Different approaches to information age reform 3 - Understanding success and failure in information age reform 4 - Better information age reform: reducing the risk of information systems failure Part II - Management information systems 5 - Information systems for improved performance management: development approaches in US public agencies 6 - Automating personnel records for improved management of human resource: the experience of three African governments 7 - Evaluation information systems for decentralisation: health management reform in Ecuador Part 3 - Extra-organizational information systems 8 - Internet-enabled applications for local government democratisation: contradictions of the Swedish experience 9 - Community development and democratization through information technology: building the new South Africa 10 - Information technology`s impact on the quality of democracy of democracy: reinventing the 'democratic vessel' Part IV - National planning for information age reform 11 - Transforming accountability for government information technology projects: the impact of the new US legislation 12 - Outsourcing and government information technology strategy: relevance of external consultant models in Barbados 13 - Meeting training needs for information age reform: shortcomings of current training provision Part V - Organizational planning for information age reform 14 - Strategic information systems planning: applying private sector frameworks in UK public healthcare 15 - Reengineering public sector organization using information technology 16 - Analysing performance information needs: using framework approaches in a UK public healthcare organization 17 - Recruiting and retaining information systems staff for information age reform


Administração Pública
Política Pública
Servicos Públicos
Setor Público
Reforma Administrativa