Job analysis : methods, research, and applications for human resource management in the new millenium - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, 2002 - 351 p.

Introduction The uses of job amalysis Definitions Builiding blocks of job analysis methods Work-oriented methods Time-and-motion study Functional job analysis Task inventories Critical incident technique Worker-oriented methods Job element Position analysis questionnaire Other trait-based worker-oriented measures Cognitive task analysis Hybrid methods Combination job analysis method Multimethod job design questionnaire Occupational information network Management and teams Management Job analysis for teams Job analysis and the law Federal legislation Enforcement of equal employment opportunity laws Executive orders Professional standars Prescriptions for job analysis Job description, performance appraisal, job evaluation, and job design Job description Performance appraisal Job evaluation for compensation Job design/redesign Staffing and training Staffing Training Doing a job analysis study Matching purpose and job analysis study Matching purpose and job analysis attibutes Selecting approaches Observations and interviews Questionaries Analyzing data The future of job analysis Changing conditions Implications for jobs and job analysis

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