Trade and investment in a globalising world - Amsterdam : PERGAMON, 2001 - 242 p.

Globalization of markets and financial-center competition - Ingo Walter Eletronic commerc: its effect on service industries - Cliff Wymbs Determinants of U.S. direct investment in the EU and Japan - Rajneesh Narula and Katharine Wakelin Competitive and comparative advantages: the determinants of japanese direct investment activity in manufacturing - Yui Kimura and Thomas A. Pugel The impact of direct and indirect FDI in eastern Europe on Austrian trade and employment - Wilfried altzinger and Christian Bellak The role of foreign owned firms and some determinants of inward foreign direct investment in the moroccan manufacturing sector - Saad Laraqui Incorporating trade into the investment development path - John H. Dunning, Chang-Su Kim and Jyh-Der Lin Evolutionary understanding of corporate foreign investment behavior: U.S. foreign direct investment in Europe - John Hagedoorn and Rajneesh Narula Multinational strategy and the evolution of enviromental standars in the global economy - Sarianna M. Lundan Promotion of products from developing countries: an overview and assessment of import promotion efforts - Geir Gripsurd and Gabriel R.G. Benito

Contexto Economico
Desenvolvimento Econômico