PIVEN, Frances Fox

Regulating the poor : the functiond of public welfare - 2 ed - New York : Vintage, 1971 - 524 p.

One - Relief, labor, and civil disorder: an overview Problems of controlling labor by market incentives Civil disorder and the initiation or expasion of relief-giving Restoring order by restoring work Enforcing low-wage work during periods of stability Refief and the political process Part I - Relief and the great depression Two - Economic collapse, mass unemployment, and the rise of disorder Mass unemployment and the persistence of relief restrictions Local efforts to cope with the unemployed The rise of mass disorder Disorder and electoral realignment The expansion of direct relief Three - The new deal and relief From direct relief to work relief The decline of insurgency The reform of relief Four - Enforcing low-wage work: statutory methods Excluding workers Adapting refief to ergional economies Five - Enforcing low-wage work: administrative methods Keeping people off the rolls Underbudgeting recipients Socializing the able-bodied poor by degrading relief recipients The constancy of relief doctrine Part III - Relief and the urban crisis Six - The welfare explosion of the 1960's Some dimensions of the welfare rise Some explanations of the welfare rise Seven - Agricultural modernization and mass unemployment Unemployment in southern agriculture The persistence of southern relief restrictions The absence of disorder in the rural south Unemployment in the cities The persistence of relief restrictions in the cities Eight - Migration and the rise of disorder in the cities The weakening of social control The weakening of legitimacy Local responses to disorder Nine - The great society and relief: federal intervention The electorial repercussions of migration and disorder The federal strategy in the cities Ten - The great society and relief: local consequences Welfare rights services Welfare rights litigation Grass-roots protest: the national welfare rights organization The impact of the welfare rights movement Part IV - Relief, deindustrialization, and the war against labor: 1970-1990 Eleven - Poor relief and the dramaturgy of work The turn to labor regulation The reordered class structure The role of relief in labor regulation Justifying labor regulation Slashing benefits Slashingrelief rolls Poor relief and workfare rituals Welfare-to-work reforms Workfare failures Workfare as dramaturgy Pressures for reform intensify Twelve - Poor relief and theories of the welfare state Social security versus poor relief Theories of industrial society Political theories Underdevelopment and race The democratic class struggle Pluralist interpretations State-centered interpretations Weak parties and working class politics in the United States The welfare state structures welfare state politics Protest and the politics of social welfare


Política Social
Distribuição de Renda
Exclusão Social
Problemas Sociais
Política Migratória