Programming with GNU software - California : O'reilly, 1997 - 244 p.

Inclue CD-ROM

1-Towards a free software development enviroment UNIX,the programmer's playground What is free software? The software in this book Installing binaries Updating your tools The free software culture 2-Introduction to the UNIX operating system Logging in to UNIX UNIX commands The UNIX filesystem Online documentation Standard input and output Controlling execution Shell programs Shell customization Other basic tools 3-Editting source code with emacs Getting emac's started Basic editing in C mode Compliling without leaving emacs Shell windows Tags Some other modes and commands 4-Compiling and linking with gcc C compilation Assembling a C program Linking programs Creating libraries Cross-compilation Libraries Error handing Signals Time System interface issues C++Classes Libraries and lincensing 6-Debugging C and C++ programs Compilation for gdb Starting gdb Basic gdb commands Variable scope and context Moving up and down the call stack C++ programs Interface to emacs Command completion and abbreviations Attaching to an existing process Quick reference Automatic Compilation with make Creating a makefile Invoking make Make and RCS Error messages Some final notes Source management with RCS Revision trees Basic operations More about checking in New and old generations Other features The next step Program timing and profiling Simple timings Introduction to profiling Generating a profile with gprof

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