Creative management - London : SAGE ; Open University, 1991 - 323 p.

Section 1: creative perspectives Making sense of creativity - Jane Henry The roots of inspiration - Neil McAleer Lateral and vertical thinking - Edward de Bono Science, order and creativity - David Bohm and F. David Peat Play, reality and creativity - John N. T. Martin Section 2: creative management How senior managers think - Daniel J. Isenberg Planning on the left side and managing on the right - Henry Mintzberg Decision making and deal making: how creativity helps - Robert Lawrence Kuhn and Louis Kuhn Paradigms, metaphors, and puzzle solving in organization theory - Gareth Morgan Section 3: creative processes Problem solving and creativity - Geir Kaufmann Mapping: creating, maintaining, and relinquishing conceptual frameworks - Michael B. McCaskey Corporate networking: how to tap unconventional wisdom - Robert K. Mueller The logic of intitution: how top executives make important decisions - Weston H. Agor Jugment - Geoffrey Vickers Imaging and creativity: an integrating perspective - Vaune Ainsworth-Land Section 4: creative development Adaptors and innovators - why new initiatives get blocked - Michael J. Kirton Strategic management development: experiential learning and managerial competencies - David Kolb, Stuart Lublin, Juliann Spoth and Richard Baker Top management teams and organizational renewal - David K. Hurst Developing in phases - Ronnie Lessem Section 5: creative future The age of unreason - Charles Handy Emerging waves and challenges: the need for new competencies and mindsets - Gareth Morgan Transnational economy - transnational ecology - Peter Drucker IT in the 1990s: managing organizational interdependence - John F. Rockart and James E. Short
