Managing innovation - London : SAGE, 1991 - 328 p.

1 - Strategic innovation 1 - The discipline of innovation - Peter F. Drucker 2 - Managing innovation: an uncertainly reduction process - Alan W. Pearson 3 - Facilitating innovation in large organizations - Robert Rosenfeld and Jenny C. Servo 2 - Personal qualities 4 - Visionary leadership and strategic management - Frances Westley and Henry Mintzberg 5 - Change-master skills: what it takes to be creative - Rosabeth Moss Kanter 6 - Entrepreneurship reconsidered: the team as hero - Robert B. Reich 3 - Organizational environment 7 - The organizational culture of idea-management: a creative climate for the management of ideas - Goran Ekvall 8 - Strong culture and its consequences - Mariann Jelinek and Claudia Bird Schoonhoven 9 - What is the best way of organizating projects? - Knut Holt 4 - Implementation 10 - Innovation by design - Colin Clipson 11 - Reducing the time to market: the case of the world auto industry - Kim Clark and Takahiro Fujimoto 12 - Quality circles: the danger of bottled change - Gregory P. Shea 13 - New products: what separates winners from losers? - Robert G. Cooper and Elko J. Kleinschimidt 5 - Ideas into innovation 14 - The innovators - William Davis 15 - Soichiro Honda: supply creates its own demand - William Davis 16 - Steven Jobs: genius in a garage - William Davis 17 - Edwin Land: inventor of the instant camera - William Davis 18 - Alastairs Pilkington: inventor of float glass - William Davis 19 - Clive Sinclair: the innovator who lacked business flair - William Davis 20 - Anita Roddick: adventurer - Interviewed by Ronnie Lessem 6 - Processes into products 21 - Masters of innovation: how 3M keeps its new products coming - Russell Mitchell 22 - Baker Perkins: oddball convert - Christopher Lorenz 23 - Selling to the world: the sony walkman story - Akio Morita 7 - Direction finding 24 - Visioning: building pictures of the future - Robert M. Burnside 25 - Scenarios: uncharted waters ahead - Pierre Wack 26 - Corporate strategy and entrepreneurial vision - Steve Shirley 8 - Reaching the market place 27 - 3M's little yellow note pads: never mind. I'll do it myself - P. Ranganath Nayak and John M. Ketteringham 28 - G. T. Culpitt & Son Limited - R. Charles Parker 29 - From idea to implementation: pitfalls along the stony road between idea creation and the market place - Walter K. Schwartz 9 - Organizational renewal 30 - Using the creative process to resolve a strategic conflict over environmental issues at Berol - Roger Evans and Peter Russell 31 - Xerox xharts a new strategic direction - Carol Kennedy 32 - If we can do it, any company can 33 - Creative empowerment at Rover - David Walker 10 - Innovation and its impact 34 - Toward a new industrial America - Suzanne Berger, Michael L. Dertouzos, Richard K. Lester, Robert M. Solow and Lester C. Thurow 35 - Thriving on chaos: facing up to the need for revolution - Tom Peters 36 - What makes a winning company? - James Pilditch

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