Learming to Lead Together - London : Sage, 2004 - 389 p.

Part I: Providing the context 1. The dynamics of sharing and distributing leadership - Janet H. Chrispeels Part II - Case studies of principals sharing leadership 2. Changing the culture of a middle school: a narrative examination of a nes principal's implementation of shared leadership - Peggy H. Burke 3. Creating meaningful opportunities for collaboration - Vishna A. Herrity 4. Reflections on practice: an administrator's 16-year journey to promote teacher leadership and learning - David Burke 5. A middle school strives to achieve team leadership through opposition and uncertainty - Kathleem J, Martin 6. Envolving roles and sharing leadership: the path of one leadership team - Shiou-Ping Shiu Part III: Cross-case studies of shared leadership 7. Sharing leadership: principals' perceptions - Maureen Yep 8. Lessons learned about sustainable results in urban middle schools: four principals and their reflection on the process of change - Peggy H. Burke 9. Principals conceptualize the development of teacher leaders: a cross-case study of shared leadership in high-pover kentucky schools - Deborah H. McDonald 10. Principal choice and teacher participation in site-based management: four schools implement one policy - S. David Brazer 11.Succesful leadership in schools facing challenging circumstances: no panaceas or promises - Alma Harris Part IV: Preparing school leaders for shared leadership 12. Supporting teachers' leadership: what can principals do? A teachers' perspective from research - David Frost 13. Promoting leadership development and collaboration in rural schools - Joseph I. Castro 14. Problem-based learning and its role in preparing school leaders for collaboration - Edwin M. Bridges Part V: Conclusions 15. Sharing leadership: learning form challenge-aiming toward promise - Janet H. Chrispeels


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