Bureaucracy : is it efficient? Is it not? Is that the question?: uncertatainty reduction: an ignored element of bureaucracy rationality - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, January 2003

Most contemporary scholars regard bureaucracy as an inefficient phenomeno. At the same time, we may find a great number of bureaucratic organizations in the various social spheres. Max Weber, who introduced the concept of bureaucracy into the social sciences, however, was convinced that bureaucracy is superior to any other organizational form and explained its prevalence by the immanent rationality of bureaucracy organizations. In analyzing Weber´s text, the autor argues that Weber was mistranslated into English and then misinterpreted. Weber´s term rationality is not at all identical to efficiency. Rationality includes also uncertainty reduction regarding internal organizational procedures as well as outputs. Uncertainty reduction may induce several advantages, wich, in several cases, ensure organizational superiority