International money and credit: the policy roles - Washington : International Monetary FUND, 1983 - 596 p.

1. Functioning of the current international financial system: Strengths, Weaknesses, and criteria for evaluation - Thomas D. Willett 2. International liquidity and monetary control - Jacob A. Frenkel 3. International balance of payments financing and adjustment - Willem H. Buiter and Jonathan Eaton 4. The SDR and the IMF: Toward a world central bank? - Stanley Fischer 5. Is there an importantant role for an international reserve asset such as the SDR? 6. International moneys and monetary arrangements in private markets - David F. Lomaz 7. Use of the SDR to 8. What are the scope and limits of fruitful international monetary cooperation in the 1980s? Paul de Grauwe 9. Summary of findings 10. special drawing rights and plans for reform of the international monetary system: a survey - Robert E. Cumby 11. The evolving role of the SDR in the international monetary system 12. Possible further improvements in the existing SDR 13. Evolution of the SDR outside the fund

Economia Financeira
Sistema Monetário
Balanço de Pagamentos