LANE, Larry M.; WOLF, James F.; WOODARD, Colleen

Reassessing the human resource crisis in the public service, 1987-2002 - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, June 2003

In the late 1980s, a number of studies began to document serious problems with the federal public service employment system. In the 1st years of the new millenium, similar studies are again documenting major problems. At the beginning of the period, the Volcker Commission began work on recommendations for solutions. In 2002, another Volcker Commission being formed to seek solutions. This article investigates the events ocurring betweeenthe two commissions, using four analytical lenses - flow, competence, energy, and commitment. The analysis reveals much action and some improvements in employment flow and employee development: however, notjing positive has ocurred to maximize employee energy and commitment to public purposes. Policy initiatives are needed in these last two areas if the capacity to govern is to be maintained.

Recruitment; Demographics; Competence; Commitment