PORTER, Andrew C.

Palce-based randomized trials to test the effects on instructional practices of a mathematics/science professional development program for teachers - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, May 2005

A professional development model was designed for and is being tested in approximately fifty U.S. middle schools ion five large urban districts, with half in each district randomly assigned to receive the two-year treatment. Each school forms a mathematics/science leadership team of five to seven members, including at least one administrator. Taems receive professional development in district-level workshops, then work with all math and science teachers in their scholl. The core idea is to provide teachers with data on their instructional practices and student achievement, then them how to use that data to improve their effectiveness. This article documents the successes and failures of treatment implementation and the collection of baseline and outcome data. The focus is on learning about doing place-based randomized trials to test the efficacy of education programs. At the time of this writing, treatment is not yet complete and study results are not avaliable.