The mommy track and partnership : temporary delay or dead end? - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, November 2004

Using unique data from University of Michigan Law School graduates, the authors examine sex differences in promotion to partnership among lawyers. The authors investigate three steps in the partnership process: (1)the decision to attrite early from private practice, (2) the attainment of partnership among those who do not attrite, and (3) determinants of partners' earnings. Results show that men are less likely than women to leave private practice and more likely than women to become partners, even after controlling for a number of individual characteristics. Among partners, men earn significantly more than women. There is no evidence of a direct marriage or parenthood penalty, but lawyers who have taken time out of the labor force to attend to child care responsabilities are less lekely to become partners and earn less if they do become partners. These findings provide strong indirect evidence that women lawyers face multiple glass ceilings in the workplace.