NICHOLSON, Johnson Heather

Youth as people : the protective aspects of youth development in after-scholl settings - Thousand Oaks : SAGE, January 2004

Youth development organizations have a common commitment to young peolple's physical, emotional, and educational growth and development. A youth- centered atmosphere where yung people feel supported and empowered by the community distinguishes successful programs from others that approach programming without considering young people the most important stakeholders. Programs serve youth best when the environments in wich they function are intentionally inclusive, multicultural, and systematically nondiscriminatory. A safe and supportive place in wich to develop an identity and confront the tough issues and extraordinary pressures of growing up is at the core of youth development environments that make a real difference. Some of the best youth development programs also make the successful link between volunteerism and positive mental health and support the concept that community service is an important component of subsequent civic engagement