WEISBURD, David; LUM, Cynthia M.; YANG, Sue-Ming

When Can We Conclude That Treatments or Programs "Don't Work"? - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, May 2003

In this article, the authors examine common practices of reporting statiscally nonsignificant findings in criminal justice evaluation studies. They find that criminal justice evaluators often make formal erros in the reporting of statistically nonsignificant results. Instead of simply concluding that the results were not statistically significant, or that there is not enough evidence to support an effect of treatment, they often mistakenly accept the null hypothesis and state that the intervention had no impact or did not work. The authors propose that researches define a second null hypothesis that sets a mininal threshold for program effectiveness. In an illustration of this approach, they find that more than half of the studies that had no statistically significant findings for a traditional, no difference null hypothesis evidenced a statistically significant result in the case of a minimal worthwhile treatment effect null hypothesis

What works; Null Hypothesis Significance Testing; Effect Sizes; Statistical Significance; Statistical Power