The politics of management knowledge - London : SAGE, 1996 - 243 p.

I - Producing managers 1 - Making up managers: enterprise and the ethos of bureaucracy - Paul du Gay 2 - The mentality of management: self-images of american top executives - Klaus P. Hansen 3 - The role of social indentity in the international transfer of knowledge through joint ventures - John child and Suzana Rodrigues II - Comparative cultural recipes for management 4 - Lean production: the myth which cnages the world? - Bengt Sandkull 5 - The international popularization of entrepreneurial ideas - Jose Luis Alvarez 6 - Excellence at large: power, knowledge and organizational forms in mexican universities - Eduardo Ibarra-Colado 7 - From cultural imperialism to independence: francophone resistance to anglo-american definitions of management knowledge in Quebec - Jean-Francois Chanlat III - The future for management 8 - Interrogating reframing: evaluating metaphor-based analyses of organizations - Ian Palmer and Richard Dunford 9 - Managing sceptically: a critique of organizational fashion - Harvie Ramsay 10 - The axeman cometh: the changing roles and knowledges of middle managers - Harry Scarbrough and Gibson Burrell 11 - Management knowledge for the future: innovation, embryos and new paradigms - Stewart R. Clegg, Mary Barrett, Thomas Clarke, Larry Dwyer, John Gray, Sharon Kemp and Jane Marceau

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