PFEFFER, Jeffrey

New directions for organization theory : problems and prospects - New York : Oxford University, 1997 - 264 p.

The development and scope of organization studies Organizations defined The evolution of reserch and writing on organizations The changing organizational landscape Understanding the causes of behavior The search for individual dispositions Problems with the dispositional perspective Person by situation interaction and fit The costs and benefits of the person-situation debate Some lessons learned Five models of behavior Economic models of organizational behavior The social model of behavior The retrospectively rational model of behavior The moral model of behavior The interpretive, cognitive model of behavior The effects of organizational composition Organizational demography Top management teams Gender, networks, and careers Machanisms of social control Reward, incentives, sanctions, and surveillance Commitment and socialization processes Organizational culture Leadership Developing and exercising power and influence Power and influence Negotiation in organizations Organizational performance Structural contingency theory Organizational ecology Human Resource practices and performance Organizations from a critical theory perspective Marxist versions of organization theory Other critical theory The role of critical theory in organization studies New directions for organization theory How is organization studies doing? Avoiding the dangerous liaison with economics Avoiding fads and fashion by pursuing a strong inference reserch strategu The advantage of being phenomenon driven The relevance of design-physical and organizational

Teoria Administrativa
Comportamento Organizacional
Desempenho Organizacional
Estrutura Organizacional
Custo Benefício